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Probe into in a sentence

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Sentence count:243+1Posted:2018-09-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: come into beingbring into beingprobeproberbe innocent ofspace probebe in the redbe in the right
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181. Xinhua reported that the final results of the probe into the crash would be released by mid-September.
182. To probe into the application value of double tourniquet "low bottle high hang" method in establishing intravenous pathway on rescuing patients with upper gastrointestinal hemorrhea.
183. Objective To probe into the effect of nursing intervention in upper urinary calculus patients with low-energy extracorporeal shock-wave lithotomy (ESWL).
184. Objective : To probe into the best technology for the inclusion of P acetaminophen ( AAP ) with beta cyclodextrin ( ? ? CD ).
185. Probe into method of the interior virescent interior design about the interior green plant, interior miniature garden, the fimcfion and form of the house yard virescence.
186. OBJECTIVE : To probe into the current situation and developing trend of Fluoxetine.
187. Objective:Probe into influence of health education for family on daily life ability of patients with cerebral apoplexy hemiparaplegia.
188. A prospective and controlled study has been made to probe into the different influences of splenectomy plus ligation of pericardial vein (SPLPY) and shunt on portal hypertensive gastropathy (PHG).
189. Objective To probe into distal clavicular fracture and acromion - clavicular joint dislocation treatment.
190. This part makes a meticulous probe into its elements, measure of indemnity as well as the rule of contribution which shall be adopted, etc.
191. Objective:To probe into applying catalytic models to the positive rate of stool examination age distribution data of schistosomiasis.
192. Objective:To probe into the influence of calescence instrument on limbs pain for patients undergoing oxaliplatin chemotherapy induced by neurotoxicity.
193. Objective To probe into the changes in the brain-stem auditory evoked potentials(BAEP) of hyperbilirunemic neonates and the effects on BAEP after phototherapy.
194. Objetive To probe into some factors on bronchopleural fistula after pulmonary resection.
195. Objective: To probe into diagnostic value to nature and loality of encephalic sponginess angioma in CT, MRI and DSA.
196. OBJECTIVE: probe into the current situation and developing trend of the marketing of Cefuroxime in China.
197. Objective To probe into the nursing of esophagitis by radiotherapy.
198. Objective To probe into the clinical feasibility of blood sampling from radial vein.
199. Objective: Probe into the nursing care of laparoscopic hepatocarcinoma resection patients.
199. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
200. Objective To probe into the effects of postoperative early drainage with raised T-shaped tube in patients with choledocholith.
201. This paper is to probe into the processes and nature of speech production and speech understanding by discussing about several theoretical models .
202. Objective To probe into a way of establishing a medical specialist system that is both practical to Shanghai and also accommodate to international practice.
203. Objective: To probe into the value of spiral CT multiplane reformation (MPR) in clinical diagnosis.
204. The present author tries to probe into the postmodernist indeterminacy displayed in the postmodernist novel The Crying of Lot 49, by one of the most important postmodernist writers Thomas Pynchon.
205. Objective : To probe into the operation method and clinical result of extraperitoneal laparoscopic radical prostatectomy.
206. It proposed that one probe into both the causes and preventative measures for constipation from a new sight such as the nature of stool and its metabolic process and so on.
207. In addition, such method was compared with other genotoxicology method in order to probe into the possibility of utilizing such technology to detect environment mutagen.
208. AIM:To probe into the anatomic features of perforating branch flap in the medial vastus muscle, so as to provide a new operation style for repairing the soft tissue defect in the periphery of knees.
209. The results of present studies provide the bases for the probe into the toxicity of fenvalerate on the lung and its mechanisms, and for the formulation of the hygienic criterion of fenvalerate.
210. The Research of Using the Tachograph Data in Intercity Bus to Probe into Large Passenger ...
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